Comprehensive Christian education at school and flexible learning at home.

At Carolina Hybrid, a high-quality curriculum will be taught at all grade levels by skilled teachers or experts in their field. A variety of curriculum resources will be utilized at each grade level to engage students, incorporate multi-sensory methods, and appeal to a variety of learning styles. Through consultation with teachers, parents, and experts in their field, we have developed an affordable curriculum plan that is practical for both home and school use and builds a firm academic foundation for students in grades Junior Kindergarten – 12th grade.

Students will attend class at CHA two days per week, where teachers introduce all new concepts in class and provide parents and students with an agenda to complete learning at home on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Academic Overview

At-home learning recommendations

While each student learns at a unique pace, we are frequently asked what to expect regarding a time commitment for at-home learning days. Below, you will find an average per grade based on our experience.

  • Options for at-home reinforcement is provided, but not required.

  • On average, students spend three to four hours per day with parent involvement. In the elementary years, the parent is the co-teacher. We encourage parents to work closely alongside students to practice skills together and refresh concepts taught in class, while attentively observing their successes and struggles.

  • On average, students spend four to six hours per day with parent involvement. In the elementary years, the parent is the co-teacher. We encourage parents to work closely alongside students to practice skills together and refresh concepts taught in class while attentively observing their successes and struggles.

  • Students can expect to spend one hour per day per course. As Middle School students grow in their independence and responsibility, the role of the parent at home begins to change from co-teacher to guide.  Parents may find their role moving away from direct academic assistance to becoming more of a counselor as their teen navigates new challenges in life. 

  • On average, students can expect to spend one hour per day per class. In the high school years, students are now responsible for shouldering the academic workload. Parents assist in an advisory role and play an important part in keeping track of the information needed for high school transcripts.

Learn More

Lower School

Middle School

High School

Options + Tuition

The following options are available on their own or may be combined. Many students are here for our hybrid program and enrichment day.

  • Available for Junior Kindergarten through 12th grade.

    Two full-day, core academic days: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30-3:30

    Tuition: $3000 per year, $200 application fee, plus curriculum & supplies fee.

  • Enrichment is offered to our hybrid students or homeschool students.

    • Four Rotations: 8:30-12:30

      • Spanish, STEAM/Robotics, two additional rotations

      • Kindergarten - 7th grade

      • Tuition: $800 + $150 enrollment fee.

  • A la carte classes are offered for 6th-12th grade. All middle and high school classes may be taken as a single course. We also offer lunch and study hall options to best fit your student’s schedule.

    Tuition: $450 per class, $50 application fee, $10 support fee, plus curriculum.

    The application fee is capped at $250.

  • We offer a Math and Grammar + Writing Bootcamp to 5th-8th grade students who would benefit from a focused time in either or both of these areas. This is like a group tutoring opportunity, open to CHA students or homeschool students in the community.

    Each Wednesday

    • Math - 8:30-10:30

    • Grammar + Writing - 10:30-12:30

    Tuition: $30 per week + $50 registration fee